Alanis - Stand With the Wet'suwet'en!

5,676 actions
goal: 8,000
RBC remains one of the largest funders of fossil fuels in the world, and by far the largest in Canada, including key investments in the Coastal Gas Link pipeline that is being forced through Indigenous land, driving violence against the Wet'suwet'en.1 RBC execs have tried to sweep their destructive investments under the rug with greenwashing and slick PR campaigns.2

As part of their efforts to appear to be good corporate citizens, they're sponsoring the RBC Open and RBCxMusic the weekend of June 10th, featuring Alanis Morissette as the headliner of their Saturday main event.3

Alanis is a Canadian icon - and a fierce defender of the environment. She has been an activist for decades, opposing efforts to drill in the Arctic, running her tour busses on biodiesel, even narrating a documentary called "The Great Warming".4,5

It's likely she doesn't know how destructive RBC is to the planet and to Indigenous rights. We're aiming to get a message to her, asking her to once again raise her voice in solidarity and issuing a statement of support for Wet'suwet'en Land Defenders during her performance at the RBC Open. It would be a massive rebuke of RBC's destructive investments.

But we need to ensure she sees this message - and that means we need to make this big. Sign today, and then be sure to share with your networks.

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Alanis - RBC is the biggest funder of fossil fuel expansion in Canada, including the Coastal Gas Link pipeline driving violence against the Wet'suwet'en. You've always been a strong advocate for the planet. Please raise your voice to defend the climate and stand in solidarity with Wet'suwet'en Land defenders at your RBCxMusic event. We've got your back!

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